Tuesday, October 21, 2008


sometime when you working with your system suddenly a screen come on your screen with the blue colour and some text written on that blue screen. This blue screen gives you error message if it is first time then plz reboot your machine and if it most of the time then plz check out hardware and software and another message is physical dump memory.

but i will advise to you this error most of the time just becuase of the uninterruted down your some system services(CRASHED). So plz remind this  when you see this screen first time immediatedly restart your machine and run in safe mode and login with administrator account after logging restore your system with your restore point. 90% chances that this process will recover your system and windows. if this same blue dump face in your safe mode and it is appearing in many of times so plz reinstall your windows . 

Removing Symantic Antivirus

A corporate symantic antivirus give fatal error while you uninstall it.it is very sensitive case to remove them.a single mistake it create for you a serieous error so plz do this very carefully. Uninstalling symantic antivirus follow some process should be done carefully.

Open the control panel -->add/remove programme

1) first of all remove the live update of the antivirus from the system.

2) manually uninstall the symantic antivirus after uninstall it will ask to you restart the machine plz do as per say.

3) after rebooting manually remove the folder name symantic and symantic antivirus from the programme file and remove the symatic shared folder from the common file that exist in programme file.

4)finally open the registry of the system and click it on HKEY_LOCAL_MCHINE-->software-->symatec ,remove that symantec folder.